Well you can make a decent income by using Neobux PTC Ad clicking website as a self employed full time or part time job online from home or office in Sri Lanka.
In order to do So you need to follow a good plan similar to what we are going to learn today. This is a simple free Neobux paid to click ( ptc ) earn money online job guide by Rukula Free Global Education in Sri Lanka.
What is exactly Neobux ? Neobux is the worlds most popular and reliable Paid to click website where you can start earning without any investment. Neobux is in operation since 2008 with loads of advertisers and ad viewers!
Some may be familier with Neobux, and Some may have used Neobux previously and given up ! The thing is unless you follow a similar plan to what we are going to reveal here, You are more likely to fail. So read the article carefully and it will help you to make this a great revenue source!
So We can proceed with neobux in two ways. One is a totally free method ( most suitable method for beginners to neobux ) without making any investment. This process may take time but no investment needed. Other method is you can spend some money and this way it will speed up the process of getting the results faster.
Register Free Using the Below Link First
Neobux has two potential earning methods, So anyone with patience can do it ! If your are working, You can do this as a part time job from home in Sri Lanka ( home base work ! ).
1 - Patience
2 - Ability to spend at least 10-15 minutes on Neobux ( At least for 22 to 25 days per month ! )
3 - Skrill, Neteller or Binance ( to get a BTC address ) to receive money from Neobux . Don't worry, if you still don't have Skrill, Neteller or Binance accounts, you can create them later on to receive money.
4 - You should definitely read this article completely, otherwise no point in doing it mate ! ! 😀
If you have still not registered, Please register using below link guys !
Then click on " Register " now link on right top of the page.
You will get a form like below one.
Enter details for " Username ", " Password ", " Password Confirmation ", " Email " and Birth Year accordingly. ( If it shows a "Referrer" fieled, You can use " wagky " for that ). Then carefully check and enter the " Verification Code ". Place a tick for the two checkboxes as well. Double check the details again and click on "continue".
Now you will get a code ( like a pin number ) to your email. Enter that code in the next page that you will get. Now registration is complete and you are a free "Standard" member at neobux !
You can now login to your neobux account using your " Username " and " Password".
You will see a dashboard/administration panel as below screenshot.
You will see many links in the dashboard but View Advertisements, Mini Jobs, Surveys, Games, Offers, Upgrade, Referrals and You Payment are the most useful pages in Neobux for us.
When you go to " View Advertisements " link. You will get a page like below screenshot. This is where the main advertisements show up, that we need to view in order to make a revenue from neobux !
Orange and Pink ads are called " Fixed Advertisements" . When you view each advertisement, you will get $ 0.001 per advertisement. Generally, you will get 4 orange advertisements always and 4 - 8 pink advertisement on daily basis ( Some more earning methods available in the neobux ptc system . So read the article completely to learn them all ! )
You must view all 4 orange advertisements on daily basis.
Below is the process of viewing the ads ( Always view orange ads first and then watch pink ads )
Click on any advertisement box on the page, You will get a pink colour dot. Click on that pink dot and the an advertisement will open in a new tab / page.
Once the time is complete, you will get a message with a tick as below screenshot.
Click on the orange "Close" button and the amount will get credited to your neobux account balance. So view the rest of the advertisements too in the same way.
We mentioned that some more earning methods exists on this same page right ? Well sometimes you will see Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, Mini Exposure and Micro Exposure advertisements too. You can learn about the amount that you will receive for those ad types by referring the " Your clicks" section and "Standard" column in below screenshot. Other Columns shows how much you will get with "Golden", "Emerald / Sapphire", "Platinum / Diamond" and "Ultimate" memberships. It is not necessary to learn about them at this moment as we are following a completely free method but you can clearly see that the payments are higher depending on the membership ( for example, you get $0.01 in Gold membership and $0.02 in Ultimate membership for each orange advertisement ! ).
Now we are going to learn about winning free money or useful points ! If you look carefully at the " View Advertisements " page. At the bottom right you will see a small button called " Ad Prize ". For each ad that you view ( Orange and Pink ads etc.. ) you will get 4 Ad Prize tickets! So view all ad prizes by clicking on "Ad Prize" button. If you are lucky enough, you can win from $0.25 to $50 , 10 to 10,000 neo points and even get a Gold membership for free.
Also Mini Jobs, Surveys, Games and Offers pages include money-making opportunities whenever such things are available. So check those pages as well.
So, now let's see the minimum amount that we can make with orange and pink " Fixed " advertisements per month
Daily : $0.001 x 8 = $ 0.008
Monthly : $0.008 x 30 = $0.24 ! 😥
Oops ! Only $0.24 per month? What a waste of time ! So with this assumption, most will quiet it for sure !
But you can make around Rs 15,000 - Rs 100,000 using " rented referral " method using the technique that we are going to learn here.!!
What is exactly Neobux "rented referrals " ? Well, neobux allows you to get ad clickers under you for a monthly fee ( Cost $0.2 per month per referral but we can get them without any investment ) . You will get a commission whenever these members view each advertisement ( Note : You should click ads daily as well, otherwise you won't get any amount from referrals. ).
So now refer Neboux "Commision from Rented Referrals" section and "Standard" column in the above screenshot to learn about what you can get from rented referrals.
Let's see how much we could make by getting about 300 rented referrals ( next stage will learn about getting these 300 referrals free without spending any money ! )
Amount you can get per fixed advertisement ( orange ads ) from a rented referral click ; $0.005
Amount you can get per day per rented referrals ; $0.005 x 4 = $0.02
Amount per day from 300 rented referrals ; $0.02 x 300 = $ 6
Amount you can get per month from 300 rented referrals ; $ 6 x 30 = $ 180
Monthly cost for rented referrals ( 0.2 x 300 ) = - $60
Monthly Gross Profit : $180 - $60 = $120
Let's deduct further $20 as you cannot expect all 300 to be active always and clicking ads ! Even if you deduct $50, you will be getting a decent income as earn money online job while staying at home in Sri Lanka.
So net profit for you ( if $20 is deducted ): $120 - $20 = $100 !
So net profit for you ( If $50 is deducted ): $120 - $50 = $50 !
So this way you can make around Rs 15,000 - Rs 30,000 at least per month using Neboux ptc free standard account!
Go to the green colour link "Referrals" on the right side of the dashboard, you will see a page like below screenshot.
The referrals are available for you as 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 packs. Three member pack will cost only $0.6 per month while 100 member pack will cost you $20 per month. Though you see many rented referral packs, you can buy a pack only after every 7 days after previous purchase date ( Say you buy a pack on 10th of this month. Then you can buy the next package only after 17th of this month ).
So once you earn around $0.6 by clicking ads, you can purchase a 3 member rented referrals pack using that money. So this way you can get referrals and try to reach the 300 rented referrals. It will take time but no investment is needed with this way.
If you have good patience, then once you have about $90 in your neobux account, try to upgrade to Gold Membership as it will double the earnings from rented referrals for orange advertisements. If you are lucky enough, you can sometimes win a Gold Membership from "AD Prize" bonus section on " view advertisement " page !
So in this way you can make free money using neobux without any investment.
Also, make sure to recycle any inactive rented referrals or those who are very less active( it will cost you only $0.07 per recycle.) using rented referral tab to optimize earnings ( If the referral has not clicked any ads at all, just leave them for two weeks, it will get replaced free with new member. So you do not have to spend $0.07 each time ).
Go to " Your Payment " link.
You can withdraw $2 or higher amount to your Skrill, Neteller or Binance ( get a BTC address and use that on Neobux ) account as the first withdrawal. The minimum amount will rise by $1 each time you make a withdrawal until it becomes $10. Then the minimum withdrawal amount will be $10 for you.
We became aware earlier that Neobux has a "Gold" membership worth $90 and help's to increase the revenue ( almost double ).
You can upgrade straightway to Neboux Gold membership once you fulfil below requirements. So no need to wait like in Method 1.
So once these requirements are fulfilled, you can upgrade to neobux gold membership using Neteller or Skrill.
Advantages of Neobux Gold Membership for Sri Lanka PTC Users
You can see how the " View Advertisement " page shows ads from below screenshot ( Once you get the gold membership in Neobux ! ) .
With gold membership, you can get upto 2000 rented referrals. So let's see how much you can make with 300 rented referrals with this premium account at neobux.
Amount you can get per fixed advertisement ( orange ads ) from a rented referral click ; $0.01
Amount you can get per day per rented referrals ; $0.01 x 4 = $0.04
Amount per day from 300 rented referrals ; $0.04 x 300 = $ 12
Amount you can get per month from 300 rented referrals ; $ 12 x 30 = $ 360
Monthly cost for rented referrals ( 0.2 x 300 ) = - $60
Gold Membership Expenses ( $90 / 12 ) = - $7.5
Monthly Gross Profit : $360 - $60 - $7.5 = $292.5
Let's deduct further $50 as you cannot expect all 300 to be active always and clicking ads !
So net profit for you is around $240 with Gold membership!
This way you can make around Rs 30,000 per month using Gold account!
You can increase you revenue almost twice with Gold Membership but always make sure that you click the ads on a daily basis. Because you will get credit for ads viewed by your rented referrals only if you view ads.
Another important thing is always recycling any inactive rented referrals or those who are very less active( it will cost you only $0.07 per recycle.). Make sure that you have a manageable number of rented referrals. By the way, you can get upto 30% discount by renewing rented referrals for 8 months instead of doing it on monthly basis.
Neobux offer " Emerald " , " Sapphire ", " Platinum " , " Diamond ", and " Ultimate " as Gold Premium Package upgrades. You can view the table below to learn about each membership.
If you look carefully at "Vacation Mode" row, You will see that some packages have a certain number of days as vacation mode while Ultimate has "Unlimited " days. This means, once you get the Ultimate membership, you can be on full vacation without viewing any ads ! Also, you can see some benefits like "inactive referral auto recycle in 7 days " and ability to receive payments every other day.
Unless you have 2000 or more referrals, no point in getting Ultimate membership. Also " Emerald " , " Sapphire ", " Platinum " , and " Diamond " do have some useful features than Gold Membership too but upgrade only when you have enough number of rented referrals.
Once I have enough rented referrals, How can I upgrade to Ultimate membership in Neobux ?
Once you upgrade from Standard Free Membership to Gold Membership, You will see a "Golden Pack" button after a day on left hand side of the neobux Dashboard. Using that link you can upgrade to Ultimate or other higher packagany timetime !
It is better to upgrade up to Gold Membership and make the monthly income steady with your rented referrals with the methods we mentioned in the article. Then withdraw a certain portion of your income always. Use the rest to maintain rented referrals, memberships and to upgrade to "Ultimate" !
So now you are aware of the two methods that you can make revenue with Neobux. So use which ever easier for you now!
Other Articles : Earn Money Online Free with Neobux Paid to Click in Sinhala in Sri Lanka
Rukula Free Educational Website For Everyone
Neobux : All of us are eager to earn money online from home and one of the best ways is through Paid to Click websites. Neobux in Sri Lanka will help you achieve your dream to earn easy cash from your home. Neobux is one of the best and most trusted free ad-click PTC websites in Sri Lanka.
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